Standard recipe that should work for most beans with minimal changes.
50-75-75 no agitation. Finish at 2:00.
Interesting — not bad and definitely a unique flavor profile but not really for me as pour over. Definitely distinct, actually reminds me of how spice forwards something like Dak’s ferments can be… but this is washed. Very interesting.
- Aroma — smells weirdly of brown spices during bloom. Black cardamom and maybe anise. Quite a strong and unmistakeable smell too. Becomes more baking spice like in cup. Generally earthy.
- Flavor — distinctly roasty. 94 way too hot even with low EY recipe. Melodrip may help. Sweetness is very noticeable after initial earthy flavor. I think this is the intended flavor profile as it’s been very consistent; I just don’t really like it as pour over. Very spicy. Definitely unique. Reminds me of dark chocolate with chili pepper. Mellows a lot when cooler; interesting flavor seems to invert, where the classic gesha notes come first, and then the herbal bitterness comes second. As an aside it’s always fascinating to me how averse I am to even mild roasty bitterness, but how enjoyable I find herbaceous bitterness (to a limit).
- Aftertaste — sweetness is fairly prominent, stretching in the aftertaste.
- Acidity — a bit brighter than before.
- Sweetness — tastes more like gesha than before; starting to get the classic bright + white sugar combo. But there’s a lot of other stuff going on too. Not all good.
- Body — moderate.