This recipe maximizes aroma, brightness, and clarity at the expense of sweetness and body. Adapted from The Picky Chemist’s geisha recipe, and similar to Apollon’s Gold recipe. Use for high aroma beans where high EY isn’t needed, e.g. processed geisha. Grind 3.5-4.
50-100-62.5 no agitation. Finish at 1:30. 45s wait after second pour.
Last drops neutral.
- Aroma — mostly same as before.
- Flavor — very odd. Chocolate flavors are basically gone. Kind of want to go back to lower EY recipes to check. Back to feeling like a Kenyan Geisha hybrid.
- Aftertaste — both acidic and sweet. Does feel like I get hints of the fudge richness here and there.
- Acidity — quite distinct especially on aftertaste. Not as tart as Finca Deborah Vivid though neither was exceptionally bright.
- Sweetness — quite high, sour red berry like. Very integrated with berry flavor, less candy / white sugar. Increases as it cools.
- Body — light.